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The theft of road signs is posing a serious safety problem in County Cork! They’re being stolen for their scrap metal value. The County Council is now considering micro-chipping its metal signs, using CCTV, or switching to heavy duty plastic, which would have little re-sale value for thieves. The issue was debated in County Hall... Read More
This public event is being hosted by Sean Kelly, Ireland South MEP, in Nemo Rangers,GAA club, Cork, Friday, 18 January (9:00am) and is especially focused at helping parents, teachers, youth groups and community youth workers, to better understand and hopefully help start to combat the increasing problem of Cyber Bullying. The format of the event... Read More
1,115 new houses were completed in Cork during the January to November period last year, according to the latest figures produced by the Construction Industry Federation (CIF). According to the latest CIF National Housing Statistics Bulletin this represented a drop of 17% or 224 houses compared to the same period in 2011 when a total... Read More
Passenger Numbers through Cork Airport in December were up 5% on 2011 figures, its strongest performance in 2012. Ryanair’s new Polish routes drove a 20% growth on European services. This was complemented by a 1% growth on UK-Provincial traffic. Cork Airport’s passenger traffic for the full year stood at 2.34 million, down less than 1%... Read More
Children with type 1 diabetes who normally receive four to five insulin injections daily now have access to an alternative treatment via an insulin pump and attend to a dedicated “pump school” to learn to use the device. An insulin pump is a mini computerised device, which continually infuses insulin under the skin and optimises... Read More