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Category / POLITICS
7th January 2014 By Politics Reporter news@TheCork.ie Mallow Town Council (North County Cork) last night passed its annual budget despite the reduction in funding from the local government fund. Eight councillors voted in favour of the budget with only the Sinn Fein representative Melissa Mullane descenting. Speaking after the meeting Ms Mullane said; “I am... Read More
4th January 2014 By TheCork.ie news@TheCork.ie Public lighting outtages across the city willbe addressed early next week according to City Cllr Mick Finn (Ind). Following contact with Airtricity the Cllr said the problems are well known and that the technicians will be working on them immediately. “Large parts of Turners Cross and Ballyphehane have been... Read More
3rd January 2014 By Bryan T. Smyth news@TheCork.ie Senator Deirdre Clune has today (Friday) welcomed the announcement by IDA Ireland that their client companies created over 13,000 jobs in 2013 – the highest job creation increase in over a decade. Senator Clune said: “Today’s announcement is yet another endorsement on this Government’s Action Plan for... Read More
19th December 2013 By TheCork.ie news@TheCork.ie Sean Kelly MEP – has welcomed today’s announcement by Aer Lingus Regional, that the airline intends to expand its services at Cork Airport. The government’s scrapping of the travel tax was the key incentive for Aer Lingus Regional’s decision to grow passenger numbers from Cork airport beyond 300,000 in... Read More