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Category / NON PARTY
10 June 2024 By David Lynch david@TheCork.ie Final Results of Cork County Council Local Elections 2024   All 55 seats for Cork County Council have now been filled following the 2024 Local Elections. Fianna Fáil is now the largest party on Cork County Council with 19 Elected Members, followed by Fine Gael with 18. There... Read More
29 May 2024 By Tony Forde tony@TheCork.ie Nominations closed for the 2024 Clonakilty Mayoral Election at 5.30pm last Saturday evening, and three members of the Dúchas Clonakilty Heritage Mayoral Sub Committee met at O’Donovan’s Hotel, where the sealed nomination papers were opened and contents recorded. In total, 24 nomination papers had been printed and made... Read More
11 January 2024 By Tom Collins tom@TheCork.ie The Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Kieran McCarthy was this weekpresented with the 2024 Lord Mayoral car, a fully electric Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range AWD, by Padraig Duane, Fleet Business Manager of Henry Ford & Son Ltd. This is the third year that an electric vehicle is... Read More
7 Decemver 2023 By Tom Collins tom@TheCork.ie Being a Cllr is a part time job, historically many Cllrs were self-employed or had an understanding employer who would let them attend meetings during work hors – but society has changed with greater expectations, and social media demands Independent Senators have emphasised problems that will lead to... Read More
3 December 2023 By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie Lord Mayor of Cork, Councillor Kieran McCarthy recently launched a new Physical Activity Amenity Scheme. Cork City Council and Cork Sports Partnership will support community groups and organisations in Cork City with introducing physical activity or improving facilities and amenities so that they can be used more for... Read More