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Category / HEALTH
8 December 2015 By Bryan T. Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie “Minister Spins While Patients Wait”, “Targets to be hit by June missed again in November” That is the summary from Cork TD Billy Kelleher, he is not happy with the Government Waiting list targets to be achieved by the end of June have again been missed says... Read More
8 December 2015 By Bryan Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie If you have been flooded you may be able to get financial help from the Department of Social Protection’s Humanitarian Assistance Scheme. The means-tested scheme provides emergency financial assistance to households who are not able to meet costs for essential needs immediately following flooding. The scheme aims to... Read More
7 December 2015 By Bryan T. Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie EU aid should be considered to bridge long delay in flood defence systems – says Cllr Margaret Murphy O’Mahony Fianna Fáil Cork County Cllr Margaret Murphy O’Mahony is calling on the Government to seriously examine new protocols to help businesses and homeowners in flood prone areas to... Read More
7 December 2015 By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie Minister for Mental Health, Primary Care and Social Care Kathleen Lynch, will today (Monday 7th December 2015) officially open the new Cystic Fibrosis unit at Cork University Hospital (CUH). CUH has now the second largest adult Cystic Fibrosis (CF) centre in Ireland and currently caters for the needs... Read More
6 December 2015 By Bryan T. Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie On the 28th December 2015 the third Togher Athletics Club 5k Christmas road race in association with Cork Mental Health Foundation will take place. This is an AAI registered and chip timed event. Prizes and refreshments are generously sponsored by Ryan’s SuperValu in Togher. On Saturday 5th... Read More
3 December 2015 By Bryan T. Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie Chair of the Oireachtas Environment Committee, Michael McCarthy TD, has welcomed the passing of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill 2015 by both Dáil and Seanad Éireann, with all-party support. The Bill will now be referred to the President for signature and early enactment. Michael... Read More
3 December 2015 By Tom Collins tom@TheCork.ie “There is an urgent need to complete negotiations on the GP contract,” according to Fine Gael Cork North Central Senator and the party’s Seanad Spokesperson on Health, Colm Burke. Senator Burke was speaking after raising the matter in the Seanad with Minister of State in the Department of... Read More
3 December 2015 By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie Irish Water, Ireland’s national water utility responsible for providing and developing water and wastewater services throughout Ireland, today officially opened the recently upgraded wastewater treatment plant in Clonakilty. The project, completed in partnership with Cork County Council, primarily upgraded the Clonakilty Wastewater Treatment Plant as well as 13... Read More