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9 February 2020 By Bryan Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie Parents and teachers often dread visiting the library with neurodiverse children. They fear the child may become agitated by lights, overwhelmed by different stimuli or just need some comfort. Cork County Council’s mobile and branch libraries have a solution. As part of the Library Service’s commitment to inclusion,... Read More
1 February 2020 By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie The Social Democrats have launched their election manifesto entitled ‘Invest in Better’. The document, which is fully costed and runs to 123 pages, sets out a roadmap for what it calls a ‘uniquely Irish version of the Nordic model’ and covers topics from health and housing to LGTBTQI+... Read More
31 January 2020 By Mary Bermingham mary@TheCork.ie Fianna Fáil TD for Cork North Central Padraig O’Sullivan says communities on the northside are being terrorised by teenage gangs who are making residents feel unsafe in their own homes. Deputy O’Sullivan says people have been telling him that they don’t want to go out in the evenings... Read More