Cork South Central TD Jerry Buttimer has secured confirmation that safety auditors will carry out a further review of the pedestrian crossing facilities at the Sarsfield Road Roundabout.
“As part of the on-going upgrade works on the South Ring Road the two pedestrian bridges have been removed. This has required ground level pedestrian crossing facilities to be put in place at the Sarsfield Road Roundabout. There are a lot of people living on the Sarsfield Road who used the footbridge; they now have to use the ground level crossing facilities.
“The combination of pedestrians and the speed of vehicles using the ring road cause serious safety concerns. I raised this issue with both the NRA and the local authorities. In the reply from the project engineer it was confirmed to me that it is intended to ask the safety auditors to carry out a further review of the pedestrian crossing facilities at the Sarsfield Road Roundabout. This is a welcome development and should provide reassurance to pedestrians that every precaution is being taken to ensure their safety.
“So far the team working on the project have engaged positively with residents taking on board their concerns. They have carried out initial safety audits and have begun using electronic signs to warn motorist that pedestrians will be crossing the road. They have also engaged with the Gardaí who have been monitoring driver behaviour.
“When completed this project is provide a vital piece of infrastructure which will benefit the entire city. However as it is progressing there will be issues of concern to local residents, it is vital that the open approach and willingness to engage continues to ensure that successful resolution of any concerns.”