15 March 2025
By Tom Collins
Local Fianna Fáil TD Aindrias Moynihan, in recent days, received confirmation that the long-awaited Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) inspection for the new extension at Millstreet Community Hospital took place on March 10th.
This long-overdue inspection is a critical step in resolving months of delays that have prevented residents from moving into the newly completed extension.
Welcoming the news, Deputy Moynihan stated, “I am delighted to confirm that I have received confirmation that the much-anticipated HIQA inspection, which has held up the move of residents into this fantastic new facility and delayed the refurbishment of older parts of the hospital, has finally taken place this week.
“This is an issue I have consistently raised with the HSE, and I welcome the progress. While the next steps depend on the outcome of this inspection, I am hopeful that this milestone will finally bring an end to months of frustrating delays.”
Deputy Moynihan continued, “This delay has been incredibly frustrating for residents, their families, and staff, all of whom have been eagerly awaiting the opening of this much-needed extension.
“Once the extension is registered and opened, the next phase of the project will commence. The refurbishment of the older section of the hospital. At that point, residents will transfer from their current accommodation in the existing hospital into the new extension.”
The new facility will provide 11 single bedrooms, each with en-suite shower, toilet, and handwashing facilities, as well as communal spaces including a separate dining room and sitting room. This will allow residents to move away from the outdated ‘open ward’ model to a more private and comfortable living environment, significantly improving their quality of life.
Concluding, Deputy Moynihan said, “It is essential that the registration process proceeds without further delay so that residents can finally move into these state-of-the-art facilities. They and their families have waited long enough.
“I will continue to liaise with the HSE to ensure the extension opens as quickly as possible, and I will keep residents, families, and constituents informed of any further developments.”