21 May 2023
By Tom Collins
Bus Connects
With the deadline for the €600 million Bus Connects Project second round of consultation coming this week on May 25th Labour Party Cork City Area Representative Peter Horgan again called on the NTA to extend the timeline of the second round of public consultation currently underway to allow for the publication of traffic modelling to be incorporated into submissions by the public or at least reopen it when the models are published.
Mr Horgan said:
“It was confirmed to me at last week’s public information event that traffic data and modelling is currently underway in Cork city and is due to be published in a Number of weeks. That data should be in the public domain and help inform
Submissions and not be held back to the statutory consultation.”“Bus Connects is an evolving process at this stage still but it is vital we have all data relevant to it available for people to frame their submissions. Extend the timelines to ensure people are able to make informed submissions.”
“Or think outside the box and allow for further submissions once the traffic data is published. We only get one shot to get this right”