6 March 2022
By Elaine Murphy
Roman Catholic News
There was a special celebration in the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Ann (better known as the North Cathedral) on Saturday 5th March for 13 adults from three different parishes in the Diocese of Cork and Ross who were taking the final step in preparation for the celebration of Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist in their parishes during the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday Night. This will be a special time for those preparing and those who have accompanied them throughout their preparation as they followed the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) in their parishes. This is also the first time in three years that the Easter Vigil and other Holy Week and Easter ceremonies will be celebrated in-person.
Those preparing for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are Alexandra Hulakova, Zsolt Nagy and Ryan O’Sullivan Keating from Carrigaline Parish, Zaneta Kasiubaityte from Bandon Parish and Nicolas Nussli from South Parish. During the celebration they all signed the Book of the Elect to enrol their names as part of the Rite of Election.
Those preparing for the full communion with the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist including Mateja Kralj, Macicj Faustmann and Hugo Santos Garcia from Carrigaline Parish Itamara De Almeida Fares and Miguel Sanchez Garcia-Pozueolo from South Parish and Marcel Chramosil, Wanesa Kolenderska and Lucia Kristianova from Bandon Parish were all accompanied by their sponsors.
Bishop Fintan warmly welcomed those presenting themselves for the Sacraments as adults and those who prepared with them over the last one to two years in their parishes. He said that this is a dimension of parish and diocesan life which will continue to grow and he assured all those preparing of his prayerful support.
Information in relation to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in the Diocese of Cork and Ross is available by contacting rcia@corkandross.org or from local parishes.