8 August 2016
By Bryan T. Smyth
Today amendments to the Draft Cork City Local Economic & Community Plan 2016-2020; “PURE CORK – An Action Plan for the City” and associated environmental reports are available for public consultation. The public consultation period is for six weeks – the closing date for submissions or observations from any interested persons, groups or stakeholders being 5pm Friday 16th September 2016.
The Cork City Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP) 2016 – 2021 is an action driven plan used to guide economic and community development in the city over the next six years. This plan will seek to build on the structures, work and achievements of Cork 2012 – Imagine Our Future (Cork City Council, 2001) and the work of the former Cork City Development Board. The LECP is built on 15 targeted High Level Goals, supported by 96 objectives and 230 actions, to be delivered within a clear implementation and monitoring structure.
Public consultation on the Draft LECP took place 24th May – 14th June 2016 and submissions received have informed the amendments to the Draft Plan. More localised actions and proposals contained within these submissions will also be considered in the preparation of the first LECP implementation plan. A series of detailed two year implementation plans will be used to help drive monitoring, implementation and review over the next six years.
Cork City Council encourages all interested parties to get involved in the plan making process. A new website has been created to encourage easier online consultation on the plan: https://consult.corkcity.ie/