8 March 2025
By Tom Collins
Scór na bPáistí
Carrigaline will be represented by pupils of the Gaelscoil at the Carrigdhoun/South East
divisional final of Scór bPáistí in Riverstick Community Hall this Saturday, March 8
commencing at 2 pm.
Reminder Beidh Aifreann Gaeilge á chéiliuradh an Domhanach seo an 9ú lá de mhí Márta ar
a 10.00 r.n. Beidh bileoga Aifrinn agus iomainn ar fáil ag na dóirse. Beidh cór agus buionn
cheoil ón nGaelscoil i láthair freisin in éineacht leis an cór gaeilge. Fáilte roimh chách.
Seachtain na Gaeilge in Carrigaline
There are several events taking place in Carrigaline to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge. Club
Leabhar, Caraig ag Léamh, Carrigaline Court Hotel on 4 th at 8.00. Ceoldráma High School
Musical Gaelcholáiste Charraig Uí Leighin 7.30 on 5 th and 6 th . Club Céilí in Band Hall on
Saturday 8 th at 7.30 . Aifreann Gaeilge Sunday 9 th at 10.00am. Monday 10 th Club Óige in the
Band Hall from 6.30 until 8.00pm. Wednesday 12 th Ciorcal Comhrá at Esquires Café beside
Dairygold at 10.30am and in Carrigaline Court Hotel at 8.00pm. Finally on Saturday 15 th
there will be Cóisir in the Band Hall from 2.30 to 4.00pm.
Club Céilí
This Saturday 8th March will see the next Club Ceili running from 19:30 to 21:00 for more
family friendly non-competitive traditional Irish Ceili dances.
As it will be during Seachtain na Gaeilge, the dances will be called in both English and as
Gaeilge Tea, hot chocolate and cake afterwards.
For more information please contact Fionan on 087 818 5111 or
email theceiliexperience@gmail.com
Members of Comhaltas na Dúglaise have a hectic two weeks of music to mark Seachtain na Gaeilge. A Comhaltas group played for Douglas GAA on Friday evening last and branch musicians will visit and play at schools, nursing homes and concerts in the weeks ahead. Groups will play for the Welcome for Saint Patrick’s Day in Cork airport on Thursday 13thand the senior group (under 25) will play for the Munster Fleadh Cheoil fundraising concert Ceol Chorcaí in Cork City Hall on Friday, March the branch will play and March and the Douglas Saint Patrick’s Day parade. The under 18 years group are on the program of the Carrigaline Men’s Shed variety concert in the Carrigaline Court Hotel Sunday, March 23. Comhaltas will have its own inhouse Céilí on Wednesday evening March 12 from 6.00 to 7.30 in Gaelscoil na Dúglaise for all to join in between their classes.
Community Festival
The dates for Carrigaline Got Talent Community Cultural Festival have been fixed to run from Thursday, June 19 to Sunday, June 22. The programme will include a music marathon, music therapy workshops, a sports day, a concert and a family day – keep the dates June 19-22
Saint Patrick’s Day Parade
The organising committee of the Carrigaline Saint Patrick’s Day parade are planning the best parade ever. The hard-working committee received wonderful support for the fundraising weekends in SuperValu and Dunne Stores shopping centres. They are now decorating the route with bunting, starting before the traffic at 5:30 am on Sundays. Entries for the parade are still being accepted at carrigalineparade@gmail.com
The parade will assemble on the Lower Kilmoney Rd, all the walking groups will assemble at Dairygold car park. The roads will be closed and the parade led by the Carrigaline Pipe Band will start at 2 pm and proceed down the Main Street. In a tribute to the County Senior Football Champions the victorious Carrigaline team will be this year’s Grand Marshalls. The team will march behind the Pipe Band and three representatives will take the stand, Club president Thos Maye, team manager Michael Meaney and Vice-Captain Chris O’Herlihy.
Pipers Amusements will be located in the Owenabue car park to add to the enjoyment to what promises to be a great day for Carrigaline.
Members of the Carrigaline Pioneer Centre attended all masses at the weekend offering the pledge for Lent. Members visited a number of schools this week and offered the pledge to the Confirmation classes.
Men’s Shed
Carrigaline Men’s Shed held their AGM on Wednesday last February 26 with an attendance of 34 members. Chairman Barry Cogan welcomed everybody and in his address briefly outlined the beginning of the Shed, progress to date and plans for the future. Hon secretary, Roger Morrissey in his secretary’s report detailed the many activities and developments during the year. Hon treasurer Aidan Winters gave a very detailed account of all the financial transactions throughout the year. He stated that while they were in a good financial position they still needed to be prudent and continue fundraising. The election of officers was as follows; president Stephen McCarthy, chairman Barry Cogan, vice chairman Pat Dineen, Hon secretary Roger Morrissey, assistant secretary Martin Parfrey, honorary treasurer Aidan Winters, assistant treasurer Gerard Dubois, PRO Barry Cogan. Committee: Finbarr Heas, Neil Purkiss, Michael Cotter, Brian Clough, Mike Wheelan and John Kelleher. Discussions took place on acquiring new equipment for the shed, the training and certifying members in competence in operating equipment in the workshops and the purchase of a defibrillator were also discussed. The Men’s Shed fundraising Variety Concert on March 23rd was discussed and tickets distributed to members to sell. The Men’s Shed will do a promotion day for the concert on this Saturday March 9th in Barry Collins SuperValu Mall where tickets will be on sale €15. Enquiries to Roger Morrissey 087 220 3547.
Lions Club
The Carrigaline and District Lions were well represented by six senior members at the Lions National Convention in Tullamore last weekend. The Lions Club Rebecca Storm concert in aid of local charities which will be held in the Carrigaline Court Hotel on Thursday, March 27th is already sold out. Entries online for the Great Railway Run on Sunday April 13 are going very well in are expected to be up on last year.
Tidy Towns
Carrigaline Tidy Towns are in full swing with their spring planting programme. Many of the flowering plants which were grown from seed by their own members were planted in garden patches and planters around the town. Carrigaline Dental on Church Hill is trendsetting with a fine floral display in five window boxes, hopefully other businesses will follow suit. Tidy Towns got great help from a team of employees from Cadence Ireland (Cork Office) for a major cleanup of the woodland at Waterpark on Thursday, February 27. Later they enjoyed a visit to the Men’s Shed for a tour and refreshments. Thanks to the volunteers who meet every Tuesday and Saturday morning the town centre is looking well. Plans are in progress for the formal launching of the 2025 Tidy Towns campaign. Tidy Towns are inviting the local clubs and organisations to participate in the April An Taisce national spring clean. New members are always welcome, meet at headquarters in the Owenabue car park on Tuesday and Saturday mornings at 9:30 am.
Table Quiz
The Carrigaline Musical Society is holding a fundraising table Quiz in the Carrigaline GAA Pavilion on Saturday March 22nd at 7.30pm in support of their upcoming 2025 show, Annie. The Quiz is kindly sponsored by Cullen View Interiors. CMS is now preparing for their 8th show and they would like to hear from new members who want to join, email thecarrigalinemusicalsociety@gmail.com