21 April 2022
By Roger Kennedy
Digital marketing and imagery go together just like peanut butter and chocolate. The same can be said about SMS marketing and image-based social media marketing. Image-based digital marketing is huge, it’s essentially engulfed digital marketing and it’s exactly what the consumer adores. This goes for video marketing such as YouTube ads or TikTok but it still goes beyond that as well. Think about social media marketing through platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Even take it a step further.
Email marketing and SMS marketing consistently have it in their marketing strategies as well. Image-based marketing has been around for well over a century and it keeps getting used time and time again because it works! Think about social media for instance, on a global scale, the average adult spends four to five hours on their phone daily. Close to 70% of daily activities are on phones and laptops.
This means that image-based marketing from videos, photos, gifs, and other graphics is exactly how you’re going to win over your audience. Imagery-based digital marketing is the way to go because it pairs up so nicely with other styles of marketing. Need any more convincing? Then keep reading on as you get to learn all about the power of imagery-based digital marketing and how you can incorporate this into your marketing model for your business.
Attention spans are shrinking
Audiences want short-form content. They want content that’s quick, entertaining, and provides value. Businesses are hopping on the bandwagon to create this short-form content to get customers and boost their followers. It’s definitely worth trying. While there still needs to be an emphasis on the other forms of marketing content, then video, images, and other graphics should be incorporated.
It’s a great way to get your point across. Whether you opt into a flashy GIF to send via SMS to your customers, a cute image, or even a fast clip. They can make points come across in a fast manner. But why not go further than that for digital marketing? Chances are, you still may be skeptical or whether or not try to try this form of marketing. Why not figure out if this is as important as direct marketing?
You don’t necessarily need to make quick content such as a 3-second video or some outrageous image. While yes, you can go to great lengths for imagery-based marketing, your campaign doesn’t always need it (but it can help).
The best way to get engagement
Audiences love visual content, it’s something they eat up. Think about social media. Not just the standard platforms that are out such as IG, but think about other ones such as Tumblr or Twitter. Why did social media take off? Not only is it due to being an outlet for sharing thoughts and feelings but it’s also a way to share what’s happening through photos and images. Did you know that audiences are 10 times more likely to engage in digital-based content than other social media posts?
Regular text-based content won’t push it and imagery needs to be brought in. This includes commenting, liking, and even sharing it. A lot of platforms even push for this form of content as well. Social media marketing works thanks to imagery-based marketing. Even PPC Ads, Email marketing, and old fashion SMS marketing utilises imagery-based digital marketing. It recognizes that this is the best way to go
No need to focus on one or the other
Digital marketing doesn’t need to be the only option you have for your marketing strategy. There doesn’t have to be this “one or the other” strategy for marketing. In fact, you’re far better off dabbling in various marketing forms rather than just focusing on one. Focusing on one marketing strategy and one marketing style isn’t going to necessarily aim at the customer you’re wanting. This is a great supplemental way to market to your potential customers. But, if you’re needing top text marketing tips, as revealed by industry experts, then by all means use that too. But you’re much better off combining various forms of marketing.
From digital marketing and traditional marketing. And even niche it down. But in general, make sure you add some imagery in your marketing scheme. Digital marketing isn’t the only marketing strategy that is going to work, it’s just currently one of the better ones. Don’t be afraid to branch out and try various methods of marketing for your strategy. Combining SMS marketing and digital marketing is a match made in heaven. The point is, to be open to multiple marketing strategies and try to have fun with them. The old marketing methods and the new ones and be paired beautifully.
Digital Marketing Makes explanations easier
No matter what your business sells to the consumer. You can count on videos and images helping you out The brain is very visual, it prefers to see something in action rather than trying to imagine it in action. Reading about an ad is one thing, but getting to see something in action is different. It’s important that your marketing strategy allows for flexibility and has a combination of marketing tactics.
Let’s say you were wanting to pitch an upcoming sale, and you’re opting to send this via social media, SMS, DM (direct message) marketing, and email marketing. Having nothing but the text is going to immediately lose your customer/ reader. Plus it doesn’t help them visualize anything either. People retain 80% of what they see, and only retain 20% of what they read! So there’s no doubt that this is incredibly powerful. So make it visual when you’re making content. This can include big bold words, graphics, and footage you personally created yourself. In the end, all of this adds up and it makes excellent content for your audience.
The imagery portrays the message better
The 3D realm helps customers get a better idea of what they’re looking at and why they may need it. It helps change the way customers interact with the product too. It helps get a better idea of the sizing, shape, and what it could be used for. Product photos are good, product photos are definitely recommended. But it’s also great to create video content of products as well.
People want to see products in action such as the appearance, the size, and how well it works. GIFs have been growing a bigger love in digital marketing over the last couple of years. Imager isn’t only eye-catching for audiences but it tends to convey a better message. Not just for products but for services as well.
Feast your eyes (and maybe ears)
One of the biggest reasons why people love scrolling around online, especially on websites like social media, Pinterest, and YouTube would be the fact that it’s visually appealing. Some consumers intentionally “window shop” because the websites (or physical stores) they’re looking at are very visually appealing. Looking at something that’s visually appealing is a form of entertainment. This is something that time and time again receives so much engagement. Aesthetics are important, aesthetics make people feel better, and aesthetics play a major role in consumer purchases. From photos to videos, this is where it’s at!
It perfectly displays your branding
Your branding is more than just your logo, it’s more than a slogan. It’s the company colours, it’s the company aesthetics, the company values, and the style overall. These all matter and shouldn’t be neglected. Having imagery reflects who you are, what your company is all about, and what you’re selling. All of this can be beautifully incorporated into your marketing models. No matter what way you’re trying to market your customers, providing imagery is going to be a key component that you cannot skip out on.