31 January 2022
By Elaine Murphy
What: Cork Nature Network Winter Walk at Tramore Valley Park
When: 2-4pm, Sunday 27th February 2022
Admission: Free, but registration required at https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/cork-nature-network-winter-walk-at-tramore-valley-park-registration-243562701597
Cork is home to an array of dynamic and diverse communities. This diversity of considerable insight and experience has the potential to influence policy making around climate change issues in Cork.
This month saw the announcement of The KinShip Project’s ‘Becoming Kin’ programme, a programme of events in Tramore Valley Park led by the citizens of Cork city over 2022. Join a host of free outdoor walks, talks and workshops run on the last Sunday of every month in 2022
For the first event in the ‘Becoming Kin’ series, Cork Nature Network invite you to a guided nature walk through Tramore Valley Park. Guide John Armstrong will show you the wonderful natural beauty that can be found right on our doorsteps. This free event will take place from 2pm to 4pm, Sunday 27th February. Registration is required on Eventbrite as spaces are limited.
Do you have an idea for an event at Tramore Valley Park? The KinShip Project is also offering an open invitation to any Cork city based person, group, organization, or group of friends who have knowledge, know-how or skills to share with the public.
This is for anyone who wants to share a special interest in the park, in nature, ecology, conservation, history, sustainability, community, archaeology, folklore, foraging, recycling and repairing, wildlife, food, gardening and growing, geology, engineering, rambling, woodcraft, astronomy, composting, movement, kite flying, biodiversity, flora and fauna, or anything that goes on underground, on the ground or in the air! Applications are accepted via https://corkcity.submit.com/show/190 or www.corkcity.ie/en/kinship/

Artists Marilyn Lennon and Seán Taylor of The KinShip Project, at Tramore Valley Park, Cork. Photographer: Darragh Kane
The KinShip Project is led by artists LennonTaylor (Marilyn Lennon and Seán Taylor), in partnership with Cork City Council. It is a recipient of the inaugural Creative Climate Action fund, an initiative from the Creative Ireland Programme in collaboration with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and the Department of Environment, Climate and Communication. This initiative supports creative, cultural and artistic projects that build awareness around climate change and empowers citizens to make meaningful behavioural transformations. Local project partners include Cork Healthy Cities, Cork Nature Network, Cork UNESCO Learning Cities, Green Spaces for Health, MTU Clean Technology Centre and UCC Environmental Research Institute.
‘The KinShip Project’ Video
The KinShip Project from Cork City Council on Vimeo.