Trigon Hotels has partnered with Cope Foundation and its Ability@Work programme to launch the “Hands of Hope” initiative. It was launched by Taoiseach Micheál Martin to encourage diversity, inclusion and equality in the workplace. While launching the initiative, these four young ladies asked An Taoiseach if they could do a selfie with him – He was happy to oblige the girls. Pictured with An Taoiseachare were, from left: Laura Buckley, Muirean Quinlan, Caoimhe Griffin and Bridget Roche. Team members from Trigon Hotels, Cope Foundation and Ability@Work came together and placed their hand prints on the wall which symbolises the uniting of communities. They are hoping that as people pass the wall on Harley Street they will be reminded of how resilient and courageous they have been over the past year and will continue to be hopeful for the future. Pic: Brian Lougheed