4 November 2019
By Bryan Smyth
New food festival launches to focus on inspiring future foodies
When: Monday November 11th to Friday November 15th
Who: The event is brought to you by the Kinsale Good Food Circle and is part of the Taste the Island series of events.
Each day will start with Meet the producers, farmers, fishermen workshops, where students will learn about the best produce in the world on our doorstep. This will involve working with local producers, the local Permaculture Course in Kinsale College, talks by Nutritionists on healthy eating habits/calories, gaining an understanding of provenance and where our food comes from, its carbon footprint, healthy oceans, our actions and impact on the food chain and an appreciation and respect of our natural resources and how history has shaped them. Guest speakers will include Madeleine Murray and Dr Tara Shine from Plastic Free Kinsale, Shonagh Harper Nutritionist, Jamie Dwyer Haven Shellfish, Joe McNamee Food Journalist, Local Farmers, local historians on the history of food in the area and what has shaped it, as well as a number Kinsale Chefs and how they source their ingredients, including site visits to producers in the local area which gives us our unique sense of place and food identity.
Immerse themselves under supervision in the buzz of a working kitchen/environment/restaurant and inspire to address the skills gap in the industry for the future and gain a new understanding and respect for the people behind the food.
The Kids Takeover
The students will work with chefs to create a menu each afternoon using ingredients from that morning. Plan and prepare a meal with the chefs for family and friends in participating restaurants, proceeds going to Kinsale Youth Support Services.
Meet industry heroes
Each afternoon, guest speakers will talk about what gives them the flair and passion for what they do, with the hope it might ignite a flair and passion for food and a new understanding and respect for where their food comes from, how it is prepared and the importance of the choices they make. Guests include Michelin Chef Ross Lewis, Martin Shanahan and many more. Making kids the focus of our food renaissance
Similar events elsewhere in Ireland?
This event is part of Taste the Island