Cllr Tony Fitzgerald (FF) has welcomed Bus Eireann’s decision to
provide an additional 201 orbital bus service to ensure students can
make their 9.00 am classes. All this week the service departs
Mayfield at 8.00 am and arrive at CIT at 8.45 am. This service will
operate on a two week trial basis to ascertain the demand.
I understand that their is a lot of interest in the new service with
standing room only on one morning, said Cllr Fitzgerald. The Northside
Orbital Bus service is a vital support for those who want to avail of
3rd level education and I was extremly worried when there was a threat
to the service some time back.
This 2 week trial service is an ideal opportunity for students across
the Northside and so far this week a large number of students are
taking the opportunity to support the new service.
I would like to pay tribute to Bus Eireann who undertook a survey with
the students and are now considering extending the service providing
if it is supported.