Animal welfare groups continue to be concerned about the number of horses in parts of North Cork. A recent ISPCA audit revealed there were 187 in the Knocknaheeney area alone. Many are underfed, or not being looked after, while more are trespassing on land. and the Nash’s Boreen/Hollyhill area has become a focal point. In Cork there is a multi agency “Horse Forum” including the City Council, Veterinary Department of the County Council, Department of Agriculture, CSPCA and ISPCA, and the Travellers Visibility Group is organising a national seminar on horses which will take place in the Millennium Hall on March 21st Senior Gardai say their hands are often tied because they can’t enter private lands to seize horses, Chair of the Cork City “Joint Policing Committee” is Tony Fitzgerald The Knocknaheeney Cllr hopes that a bye-law to give Gardai that power will be in place soon
19th February, 2013